Since Drew and Jaxsen's birthdays are 5 days apart, and usually by the time we get Drew for his birthday it is Jaxsen's birthday, we have decided to celebrate them together. I know Jax loves it because he loves anything that has to do with his big brother. Drew, well I hope he doesn't mind.
We celebrated it at my parent's house this year, cuz we got a big family and my little apartment wasn't going to accommodate all of us!
Jaxsen is in love with Toy Story 3, so needless to say that is what his cake was. I am sad I didn't get a good picture of it. His grandmas and grandpas got him Buzz and Woody! He was quite thrilled with it! He was so cute at showing everyone each of the toys he opened.
Drew got a german chocolate cake (YUM) and money. Teenagers are hard to shop for! He also got gift certificates to DAPCO hobbies, to cover some of the costs to fix up his car he got for Christmas.
-Can walk, run, jump, climb with the best of them.
-Can say mom, dad, papa, drew, bubba. Little slower at the talking side.
-Although he can't talk he knows exactly what is going on and will make sure to get his point across!
-Has a love/hate relationship with his sister Baylee. Because they are so close they play pretty well together, until one ticks the other off, then watch out! Full of BRAWL!!
-Watches Toy Story 3 at least 2 times a day.
-Loves the story "GO DOGS GO".
-Still loves that binkie. He can only have at nap time and bed time. So we are slowly getting better.
-Gives the best "FIERCE" look. Would make Shaun proud!
-Still loves his dad and looks just like him!
-Very loving little guy, I still call him my baby and probably will till another baby joins our family!
-Quite the tall 13 year old and has a low voice to match it!
-Has already had a few mom's tell us he needs to take their daughters out when they turn 16. Hold on MOM's he is only 13!
-Quite the football player. Last season was one of the captain's!
-Still a pyromaniac! That kid loves fireworks, and anything to do with fire. YIKES!
-Loves his remote control car and his paintball gun!
-Is starting to talk about what car he wants when he turns 16. Is he a really almost that old.
-Loves to play slug-bug with his step-mom! Both of us are quite competitive.
-Best big brother my kids could ever ask for! He is such a helper! Could ask for a better GUY!
Drew reading cards to Jax
Jax showing everyone his gift

Drew's cake and the corner of Jaxsen's
Look at my balloon!
The kids scooping out the cakes!