Saturday, September 25, 2010


So I was prego and now I not. Many emotions running through me today. Don't realize how much you want to something until it is gone. Had many many bad response to the news that I was pregnant. I don't care. Think what you want, judge as you wish. I can and will take care of myself. Now no one has to worry. Someone's prayers were answered. Not mine. I love being a mom and looked forward to a new child joining our family. Wasn't planned but was welcomed. Don't want sympathy from anyone but my husband. (Not writing this for anyone to feel sorry for me). Just want to write how I feel. So one day when I am big and pregnant with my 4th child I can look back and feel good about things cuz right now that is defiantly not the case.


  1. I'm so sorry Coutney! I was excited for you and I can't believe some people were not. Babies are great! You are in my prayers!

  2. I'm so saddened to hear this news, Courtney. Keep your chin held high and know that some of us were super excited and happy for you! Love ya girl! Let me know if there's anything I can do for you.

  3. I'm so sorry! I had no idea! When it's right, it'll happen, don't stress over it. Things happen for a reason and who cares what anyone thinks. You are fantastic. no worries. :)

  4. Courtney, I'm thinking of you and I am here for anything you need. I Love you girl.

  5. When did this happen? I obviously didn't know you were expecting. If you need to talk I am good at listening and I can offer lots of empathy cause I have been there. It is an emotional roller coaster so hang in there! My #is still the same or we can e-mail. Brooklyn has grown up a ton!

  6. OK so your baby is old now so why not have another? I'm confused...did people give you a hard time for being pregnant again? If so, they should be shot;-)

  7. Love ya tons, girlie! I'm so sorry about your loss. Just know that I'm here for you and I know what you are going through. I even had comments made just like you experienced!!! Heavenly Father knows what's right, and what's best for you. Hang in there and call me if you need to. Love ya

  8. I'm sorry for your loss. :-(

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  9. So sorry courtney. you and your family are in my prayres.
    thats so awesome that you want four babies...come help me with two!! :)
    this is emily btw
