After months of counting down the days we were finally off to FLORIDA. Our trip began Friday the 21st, by driving to Salt Lake and staying in a hotel there. With 6 suitcases, 3 kids and 5 bags of carry on luggage we were full.
The next day was Thanksgiving. We were off to Animal Kingdom. It totally didn't feel like Thanksgiving. No cold weather, no cooking nothing. Just riding rides and squeezing through crowds. But it was still fun! Our first ride was a Safari ride. Brooklyn loved it! And bawled when we had to get off. Notice the giraffes eating in the trees and the elephants.

Baylee found a Princess Minnie that she was not going to live without and so her dad bended and got it for her.

Later that night we went to the Wilderness Lodge resort to have Thanksgiving dinner.

Baylee had a great time as usual and Drew enjoyed sitting with the older kids!

That unfortuantly was Brooklyns look most evenings when she didn't get exactly what she wanted! What a peach!
They brought all the regulars that you would enjoy for Thanksgiving and also so pretty good shakes Andrew said.

The kids later that night. Brooklyn had quite the day!
The next morning we had reservations at The Crystal Palace. Pooh and his friends come to visit while you are eating. Baylee absolutly loved Pooh! Hugs and everything was instore.

Even Andrew insisted on getting his taken too!

My mom and Andrew enjoying breakfast!

After breakfast everyone went their own ways. Drew wanted to go with Shaun to ride some rides, and Brooklyn wanted to see the castle on more time. We got a few last pictures of the castle and took in all of Disney. It was bittersweet getting ready to leave and knowing that this was our last day.

Brooklyn wanted to get a pic with donald. As we got up there to take the pic Baylee decides to grab my boob. Without even thinking I blurt out, "Baylee don't grab mommies boob." Thats right, right in front on Scrooge McDuck. He just looked at Andrew and put his hand over his mouth like he was laughing.

This last pic was of the boys at the airport. Andrew had been going through withdrawls all week since all Disney served was Coke. He made sure to get three for the ride home.

I am not sure what was more tiring, writing this blog or the vacation itself. But it sure was fun and I am so thankful to all those who put time into planning it!